Connecting My Past to My Present Focus: Team Coaching
When I joined Harvard’s Center for Workplace Development just over five years ago, I wondered how my years of organizational experience...

Broaden the Focus: Study the Whole Team
After three years of Team Coaching at Harvard, calling for more research on Intact Teams versus focusing on individual team players. Oct...

Team Coaching: An Imperative in these times
Year Two of Team Coaching through Harvard's Center for Workplace Development, many lessons learned. Feb 2022

Pivot to Team Coaching: A Pandemic Story
Pilot Run of Team Coaching at Harvard's Center for Workplace Development, a team effort. June 2021

Board Culture Reset: Authentic with Realistic Expectations
I work with many boards that talk a lot about recruiting new, younger, and more diverse members. But they can’t attract nor retain their...

Creating Change
Launching this new website has been a truly creative process. I started with a kernel of inspiration many months ago – it was time for an...

Post-Election in the Board Room
How did the 2016 presidential election impact your board? How might the change in Administration affect relationships on your board, and...

My Spotlight: Non-Profit Board Governance
Simply put, I am drawn to non-profit board development, which has become the main focus of my consulting practice. Why? First and...

Linchpins — Broadly Defined
Make yourself indispensible. This is Seth Godin’s main message in Linchpin.[i] The best strategy to succeed in our current economy is to...